
Flutter Study Jam- Karachi

October 19th 2019

Last weekend, an exciting study jam was held by Flutter Pakistan in Karachi bringing together developers from various technical backgrounds. Receiving more than 200 registrations this time, the final selection lead to 60 plus developers participating in the hands-on session on the event day. The event was conducted in collaboration with 10Pearls.

The study jam comprised of theory combined with some basic concepts on Flutter’s development experience. It highlighted the fact that Flutter works as a cross-platform UI development kit allowing developers to craft beautiful, natively compiled mobile, web and desktop application from a single codebase. Waleed Arshad, one of the founders of Flutter Pakistan gave the opening key note which revolved around these concepts and described the uniqueness of Flutter compared to other platforms. Live code was demonstrated to depict the swiftness, efficiency and standardisation in development using Flutter.

Participants actively worked on live code during the CodeLab session where the Official Google CodeLab was used to demonstrate Flutter architecture, videos on basic UI building, material design, custom layouts and application connection to backend services. The CodeLab helped participants get a complete hands-on experience with Flutter and also allowed them to apply their creativity in building applications using this platform.

Asadullah Bin Yousuf, founder of Flutter Pakistan, ended the event with a keynote and the Flutter Pakistan Team distributed goodies to all participants present at the event. The event was also running live on the Flutter Pakistan Facebook page for those who were not able to attended it, videos of which can be found on the page.

All developers who participated in the event were highly pleased and excited to be a part of it and expressed their eagerness to participate in such events again.

We are happy to receive such positive feedback and will be keeping you all posted on the details of the next event. Stay tuned!
